Customers click on "Free call" in your website. Your phone rings.

You will receive that call on the landline or mobile phone you designate.

Free Call Click to call

See where people call you from

Free Call will provide you with an accurate caller location. Free Call can also provide you with the caller’s phone number. If you miss a call, you easily can phone them back right away.

Why i love Free Call

Clcik-to-call Cloud

Easily track your call history

See who called you, when they called and where they called from, with our easy-to-use dashboard.

Why i love Free Call

Call Recording

Use Call Recordings to capture details you might miss or forget. It’s also suitable for training and team-building exercises!

A company might record calls for a variety of reasons – for instance, to help improve customer service, or to allow supervisors to listen to their agent’s customer interactions for training and evaluation purposes. Also, a significant number of “he said, she said” arguments can be cleared up by simply playing back a recording of the conversation with the customer. Additionally, there may be situations where call recordings are required by law and can protect you.
Why i love Free Call

Free call Cloud

Some Questions You Might Have

What browsers and operating systems are supported?
The true beauty of Free Call is that it supports all browsers and all operating systems. Only Free Call support all phones, tablets and mobile devices.

Does Free Call supports only US phone numbers?
No!!! Free Call is international service. It support all countries in the world. Most worldwade mobile carriers are suported. You can check to see if your carrier is supported by clicking on Test with your phone

